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Feel like a racer - live the dream
It's time to find out what a race bike can really do in capable hands.
Join us and improve your riding skills beyond your wildest dreams.
The package
- An all included vacation, a club med for bike lovers in perfect Greece with amazing weather.
- 3 full riding track days at a real race track, located in Serres, Greece.
- Flights, cars, hotels - we got it all covered for you.
- On track medical insurance.
- Professional photographer for some great shots to take home with.
- Personal instruction, all in English.
- Track fee included, private box
- 3 full days of riding followed with instruction.
The track and the bikes
- Real race bikes, high maintenance, maximum tolerance.
- Each bike has a Quick shifter and a lap timer for optimum results and practice.
- Each bike has an unlimited supply of premium race tires - Dunlop KR - and Gasoline.
- The track has everything you need, a perfect layout that provides the perfect playground.
- 5 session per day of track riding. Each session is between 15-20 minutes.
- Backup bikes included: bike not working? we got you covered.
- Spare bikes in case of a crash.
Instruction and technical support
- Detailed, personal instruction, tailored for your needs in fluent English.
- Instructor is riding with you, before you and after you, recording you on video.
- We teach you: The race lines, body position, correct steering, planning ahead, braking,
cornering and methodology for track days.
- Each rider is set to practice on track according to what he needs.
- At least two private mechanics for handling all technical aspects.
An insclusive, perfected package - feel like a racer
- a MotoGP style experience: You're done riding? Just like on TV, our mechanics
are waiting for you in pit lane to take your bike, put it on the stands, slap on the tire
warmers and check it has everything in place for your next session.
- Our mechanics will fuel the bikes, make sure they are fully functional, lube them and
prepare them for your next session.
- The tires are checked and pressure is measured to make sure tires are in optimum
condition. Tire is done? no worries, new one coming right up. no loss of riding time.
- We have a guide with you throughout the whole time, be it inside the track or outside,
we will take you to the coolest places, best restaurants and bars and make sure you
make the best out of this experience.
This package is meant for all levels, both beginners and more experienced riders, each in his own pace. Instruction is personal and according to the rider's progress, it is meant for all ages above 15 and does not require any licenese.
For more questions and registration

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